Gather and Write: A Creative Café for Writers
The writers’ café is a friendly space for inspiration and creativity. Share engaging conversation over freshly brewed tea and explore guided writing prompts that will ignite your imagination and inspire new ideas. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, the writers’ café offers the perfect opportunity to shape and bring to life your stories, poems, and non-fiction. The café is hosted by British writers Dr Hannah Stevens and Dr Will Buckingham, and is delivered in English with some translation into Mandarin for those who need it. The café will be relaxed and collaborative, and we invite you to write in any language you like. Each session we have space for up to twelve writers, so make sure you book early.
02/13(四) 《聚筆擷思之約》創意寫作 Ⅰ
02/27(四) 《聚筆擷思之約》創意寫作 Ⅱ
03/13(四) 《聚筆擷思之約》創意寫作 Ⅲ
03/27(四) 《聚筆擷思之約》創意寫作 Ⅳ
04/10(四) 《聚筆擷思之約》創意寫作 Ⅴ
04/24(四) 《聚筆擷思之約》創意寫作 Ⅵ
時 間│19:00 – 21:00
地 點│醉美空間(台南市中西區永華一街83號)
費 用│免費報名參加
報名方式│電洽06-299 6528 涴莎藝術展演中心報名,或私訊涴莎藝術展演中心臉書粉絲專頁報名
溫婷誼博士是小說和非小說類作品的作家,著作於國際間發行。她的第一本書《In their Absence》(Roman Books 2021)已被翻譯成保加利亞語。她的第二本短篇故事集《On the Bodies of Strangers》入圍了W&A Working Class Writers’ Prize,將於2025年出版。她目前正在著手創作靈感取自臺灣的第三本故事集。婷誼擁有創意寫作博士學位,曾在英國、歐洲和亞洲教授課程,並為BBC、英國大使館和綠色和平等機構製作項目。
Hannah Stevens
Dr Hannah Stevens is a writer of fiction and non-fiction whose work has been published internationally. Her first book In their Absence (Roman Books 2021) has been translated into Bulgarian. Her second short story collection On the Bodies of Strangers, shortlisted for the W&A Working Class Writers’ Prize, will be published in 2025. She is currently working on her third collection of stories inspired by Taiwan. Hannah has a PhD in creative writing, has lectured across the UK, Europe and Asia, and has produced projects for organisations including the BBC, the British Embassy, and Greenpeace.
主持人│白忠修 白忠修博士擁有哲學博士學位及人類學碩士學位。他的最新著作是《你好,陌生人:在分裂的世界中找到連結的方法》(Hello, Stranger:
Stories of Connection in a Divided World,Granta 2021/2),曾獲BBC Radio 4 的每週推薦(Book of the Week)。Will是十三本書的作者,並已被翻譯成多種語言,包括法語、韓語、保加利亞語、芬蘭語、德語、中文和波斯語;他還是Dorling Kindersley全球暢銷書《哲學百科》(The Philosophy Book)的內容顧問和貢獻者。Will曾擔任德蒙福特大學寫作與創意學系的副教授、四川大學文學與新聞學院的客座副教授,目前是緬甸帕拉米大學的教職員,也在世界各地進行各項文學計畫。
Will Buckingham
Dr Will Buckingham has a PhD in philosophy and an MA in anthropology. His most recent book is Hello, Stranger: Stories of Connection in a Divided World (Granta 2021/2). Hello, Stranger was a BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week. Will is the author of thirteen books, and has been translated into multiple languages, including French, Korean, Bulgarian, Finnish, German, Chinese, and Persian. He was also content advisor and contributor to Dorling Kindersley’s globally-bestselling The Philosophy Book. Will has been associate professor in Writing & Creativity at De Montfort University, visiting associate professor in the College of Literature and Journalism at Sichuan University, and is currently on the faculty of Parami University, Myanmar. He has run literature projects internationally.